Sunday, January 9, 2011

Your Love is everywhere

"Your Love is everywhere,
Your Love is everywhere
open me open me
Your Love is everywhere
Your Love is everywhere
won't You let it flow through me
won't You let it flow through me."

as i am down to the point in this "pre-journey" where i can count the number of hours until i go to africa, this song (sung in church today) couldn't have spoken more clearly to my heart. (so much that shaking and tears occured...)
God's Love is so big. so so beyond big. it is in every corner of His earth, to Nakuru and back again. Its comforting in the midst of the 58902 goodbyes that have been said and it speaks to my heart that God will be loving on and speaking to each person I hold close to my heart while we are an ocean apart and will be loving on those precious babies I will be holding in 3 days.

for those wondering what a "schedule" might be here are some rough estimates (i have learned in traveling to never set plans for they are sure to change and you never but this is at least the plan)

Mondays - market shopping and baby outings w/Jully (baby caretaker) or Angie (manager)
Tuesday-Thursday - knitting group in the mornings, assist w/babies in afternoon
Fridays - shadow/assist Joyce, their social worker. usually out or at another home
Weekends - whatever may be ahead of us for that weekend!

My bags are packed (thanks to becca loney's incredible packing skills) and I am ready and waiting.

God may your Love flow through me.

love to all,

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