Tuesday, January 18, 2011

oreos vs. whole minnows

overall i like to think that i'd eat what is in front of me...
typical meal prepared in the house:
-ugali: served with everything. literally just flower boiled in water. looks similar to mashed potatoes, has absolutely no taste. served with everything (they use it as their "fork")
- greens: cooked. not bad.
- beans: typical.
- chapati: YUM. similar to deep fried tortillas. like elephant ears minus all sugar.
- cabbage: also something i will eat (mom you would be proud of me)
tonight was a whole different situation...
i know my limits. and fish? is beyond my limits. even in the States I usually pass on fish and in the states it does not LOOK like a fish.
tonights dinner=minnows (i have photos but my temp internet is going painfully slow. pics will be uploaded when it is reliable later this week)
they eat many small dried minnows whole with the above foods all together. prepared with onions and tomatoes
vomit much? to quote the office: yuckyuckyuck.
they say it's sweet, and you can't taste it. maybe it was because the food was looking at me (good rule of thumb: if your food is looking at you, don't eat it) but i could taste it, and it was NOT sweet.
tonight i will choose (after 1 bite since i promised the women i would take) to eat mangos, granola bars and my oreo stash.
thank you usa.

other news: the knitting ministry has soared. God is guiding our path in great ways and a different post will come on that as well.
now? sleep.
grace peace and minnows to all of you at home


  1. i love this post. way to be brave and try things! i laughed out loud at my imagination of your face during this situation, wanting to freak out but not wanting to seem like a jerk. oh so funny. love it. and you. you minnow, you.

  2. I had to read this again. I missed the fact the minnows were dried. Crunchy? Question: how many minnows = 5 ounces of protein? Too many!
