Thursday, March 10, 2011


today when we were eating dinner (ugali. again.) we saw a commercial that mentioned carpooling.
sitting with 3 women who have never driven a car and rarely ride in them they looked at me with confused faces and asked the simple question "what is this carpooling?"
simple thing. that i have done since i was the age of these babies we are watching.
and explaining things that are so ingrained sometimes is more difficult than i imagine..
"ummm ya know, if there are multiple people going to the same place you drive in one save money, and its better for the enviornment"
blank stares
"why not just walk?"
valid question my african friends, valid question.


  1. I want to walk to africa.
    I bet Steph and Katie would feetpool with me.

  2. i would feetpool. true. and katie loves feetpooling. i just know it. let's GO. :)

  3. good. c'mon over. and yes barnes is a big feetpooler.
