Monday, February 14, 2011

joys of shopping.

I brought quite a few clothes from my own closet and from closets of friends to give to the girls in the baby house…I unpacked in January, put them at the bottom of my closet and the few times I actually remembered them were inconvenient to bring out (aka: food or changing time) until tonight.

I brought out this pile of clothes and you would have thought that I set $1 million in front of the 3 girls who live here…cheering, shouting (in their African ways), “weweeee” and hugs were all around.

Clothes we didn’t want…that were thrown in the bottom of my closet….brought TRUE joy. I sat with a huge smile just watching them sort through the clothes and try on each item that they divided amongst themselves…they didn’t waste any time and just tried them all on ontop of each one point Tracy had 4 shirts on at once (which can’t be a good judge of fit but I wasn’t going to stop them) and let me say..they “looked smart” :)

I wish I brought more.

Seeing this unfold and hearing them talk about them the rest of the night and seeing the pure joy of clothes I probably bought on a whim that I clearly didn’t need was something I will never forget. I sincerely love these women.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Susan for sharing your work with us. We will keep praying for God to use you to make a difference.
